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An open letter from a scared mom: stand against racism and bullying

Posted on July 18 2016

An open letter from a scared mom: stand against racism and bullying

By: Bethanie Garcia

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Will my children ever be bullied? When I send them to school, will they be picked on or teased? Will they ever experience the racist thoughts of others? Will my children ever take part in the bullying of others?

These are questions I ask myself every single day. Questions that terrify me.

I'm absolutely horrified for the world my kids are growing up in. And at the same time, I see so much beauty and love and compassion in the world, and I'm so grateful to be alive at this time. How can I feel such opposite feelings towards the world? To be ashamed of it, yet in love with it?

I love the message that Wire & Honey's #kidsforchange line is teaching young ones! With shirts ranging from "Stand Against the R-word" to "Stand for Equality," there is definitely a shirt that anyone can relate to.

We took a short trip a few weeks before Deuce was born, to get away and spend time as a family of four before his arrival. While on our trip, we were sitting in the beautiful grass of a park, in the middle of the town square. It was truly a picture perfect moment. The girls were running in circles around us, we were enjoying snacks, drinks and the beautiful day, Anthony and I were laughing and talking. We had watched a group of older men come into the town square with tables and cardboard boxes full of books. They set up their table and started passing out New Testaments. Soon, the men started venturing out and passing out the Bibles to everyone in the park. When one man walked to where we were sitting, I had already planned out our conversation in my head. I would politely decline the New Testament, because we already own several Bibles. I would let him know we were Christians and didn't need the "spiel"... Well, it didn't go that way. He asked us if we wanted a Bible, and then looked at my husband and said some impolite things about him being Mexican, and then asked him if he wanted a Spanish Bible... I started laughing because I honestly thought this guy must have a really bad sense of humor, but he has to be joking. He wasn't. My laughter quickly turned to anger as the man walked away. It wasn't even that big of a deal, I know. So many people face much worse confrontations and circumstances. But it was the first time in my life that I had seen racism up close, in my face, and towards my family! It was such a horrible feeling.

The only thing I can do is raise my children to the best of my ability. Teach them to love and care deeply, to pray hard, to listen quickly, to be responsible and brave, and to be KIND.

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I vow to teach my children to STAND AGAINST RACISM and to STAND AGAINST BULLYING. Do you?

Handmade scented play dough - ZDough

Brooklynn's shirt | Harlym's shirt

Xo, Bethanie

Make sure to check out the #projectstandforlove movement, founded by Mandy of The Blue Envelope, Rah of Wire and Honey, and Bethanie of The Garcia Diaries.

project stand for love


  • Brittany : July 20, 2016

    This is an issue close to my heart. It’s a huge fear

  • jessica: July 20, 2016

    it’s scary that our kids are growing up in the world the way it is today.
    I love the message behind these #kidsforchange tees!

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