Our Story - NEW

We are Kevin and Mandy
husband and wife team and owners of TBE.
We started off as an invitation and graphic design business right after we were married. After the birth of our twins we wanted to find a way to teach them kindness and give them positive messages; thats when we decided to start designing apparel for little ones. We started this company for them. We had a desire to design shirts that started a conversation with our children. Something that could make an impact on their lives. Now we have a range of items from kids to adults!
As our company grows so does our vision for our brand. It wasn't too long ago that I had a life changing moment while attending a funeral of all places. The man that gave the eulogy spoke to my soul. He stood up and said "You can tell a lot about a person by the message on their t-shirt." He said, you can tell where they went to college, what sports team they like, what soft drink they like etc... He said there are t-shirts with funny messages that make you laugh and messages that tell you where that person went on spring break. There are also t-shirts with inspirational messages.
At this point I'm at the edge of my seat trying hard not to raise my hand and shout out
"YOU ARE SPEAKING TO ME! This is what I do! I create apparel with inspirational messages! YES!!!"
He took a long pause and continued to go on about death and what you leave behind you when you go. He talked about life and living and then he said words that will forever be engraved in my soul. What message will be on your t-shirt when you die? What words will be spoken at your funeral? Will they be the truth? It took everything I had to hold all of the emotions back. What will your story be? How will you be remembered?
Instantly I wanted to get up and run out of there and start writing down all the things I still need to accomplish and then start doing them. I still have so many things I want to do, so many people I still want to inspire and so many lives I still want to change.
What if this was the end of my days? Am I doing the best that I can every day to try and make my message heard? Am I living my purpose? From this point forward I will live with the motto, "The message on my t-shirt tells my truth."
You can take that literally or figuratively. To me it basically means that I will live my life to my true authentic self. I will be human. I will be kind. I will be perfectly imperfect. I will love. I will laugh. I will truly live all of the days within the numbered years of my life.
We can still be moms and also follow our heart to having a career or building our own empire. I truly believe we can have both and we should have the opportunity to have both.
This is my "BIG" dream. The one that I want to achieve more than anything. I want this brand to be able to give back. I want this dream of mine to help others achieve their dreams.
It is our mission is to provide an uplifting community that provides the necessary tools to empower women and children of all ages to embrace their true authentic self. In order to change the world we must first learn to show ourselves love and kindness. If we are truly happy with ourselves and the unique humans that we are then we can start helping others find this happiness too.
We cannot thank all of you enough for your continued support as we continue to grow our business! We are committed to providing you an excellent experience ordering with us and using the money made to do something for the greater good!