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our story


My name is Mandy and I am the owner of The Blue Envelope. I own the company with my husband Kevin. We started off as an invitation and graphic design business 5 years ago. After the birth of my twins I wanted to find a way to teach them kindness and give them positive messages; thats when we decided to start designing apparel for little ones. Now we have a range of items from kids to adults! This includes our word cloud MAMA & DAD tees, inspirational number and alphabet tees and our anti-bullying campaign as well as a variety of other options to choose from. We have something for everyone!
My husband and I have 2 year old boy/girl twins Benjamin and Ella. We struggled for years trying to start a family and after after we lost our first two babies we came to the point where we were going to adopt. After numerous trips to the fertility specialist and another failed attempt we were ready to call it quits. My husband convinced to give it one more try and if that didn’t work we would look into other options. We got pregnant with our two miracle babies. Twins do not run in our family and my doctor had me on a medication that was supposed to reduce the likelihood of multiples compared to other things I could have taken. Hearing their heartbeats for the first time was the most amazing feeling. We were considered very high risk and saw a specialist once a week throughout my entire pregnancy. Our specialist had never seen a case like ours and every week we were told the chances of them making it another week was very low. We made it to 35 weeks with two amazing babies weighing in at 5 lbs each! We were so proud of them! Benjamin was in the NICU for 8 days while we got to take Ella home after several days in the hospital. Leaving my son was the hardest thing I ever had to do but we were able to take him home the following week and our little family was complete! They are both very healthy happy growing babies and I love every minute with them! We started our new line shortly after the twins were born and our inspiration comes from the adventures we have together.
Seeing my children grow and learn new things every day inspires my passion for this brand. Also, being able to put a smile on the face of a child who needs it the most — those are the best moments. We often receive pictures from moms whose little ones are sick, have cancer, have disabilities etc.. when we see them in their W is for Warrior tees or their B is for Brave tees my heart smiles and my hope is that if just for a moment they know they can overcome anything that lies in front of them.
We take great pride in each new design and each piece we make. We try to make sure all of our tees are a positive message to spread kindness, be brave, and know that each one of our customers is unique and amazing. We try and make sure that the experience each customer has with our company is a positive one from start to finish.
We cannot thank all of you enough for your continued support as we continue to grow our business! We are committed to providing you an excellent experience ordering with us and using the money made to do something for the greater good!

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